Abiding Fathers - Spiritual Mentorship/Leadership
The Mission of Abiding Fathers is to disciple men in understanding their God-given role as a father.xharvest2024-12-19T17:54:10+00:00
Acres of Love - Evangelism/Compassion
Acres of Love cares for orphaned children in South Africa and places them in forever homes with loving parents in homes purchased by the ministry. The children are treated with dignity and love, and they get to hear about and know Jesus.xharvest2024-12-19T17:54:55+00:00
Agape Development Ministries - Community Transformation
Agape Development is working to transform their neighborhood by preparing Christ-following, independent, community leaders.xharvest2024-12-19T17:55:27+00:00
All Access International - Evangelism/Compassion
The philosophy of All Access is to fund the most cost-effective programs that best reduce the spiritual and physical poverty levels in the most unreached and impoverished countries in the world.xharvest2024-12-19T17:55:55+00:00
Apartment Life - Evangelism
Apartment Life is a faith-based, non-profit organization that has been serving the apartment industry since 2000.xharvest2024-12-19T17:56:26+00:00
B.H. Carroll Theological Seminary - Pastoral Training
B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary is a graduate-level community of faith and learning which equips men and women called to serve Christ in the diverse and global ministries of His church.xharvest2024-12-19T17:58:04+00:00
CHARM Prison Ministry (Christ's Hope and Reconciliation Ministry) - Prison Ministry
The mission of CHARM Prison Ministry is to bring hope found only in Jesus Christ to incarcerated men and women, correctional personnel, and their respective families.xharvest2024-12-19T17:59:17+00:00
Conviventia - Community Transformation/Compassion
Conviventia is a Christian development and relief non-profit breaking the cycle of poverty in Colombia by strengthening individuals, families and communities through a broad range of programs based on the principles of faith, empowerment and sustainability.xharvest2024-12-19T18:00:14+00:00
Dallas Real Estate Ministries - Spiritual Mentorship/Leadership
Building a Spiritual House in the Real Estate Community.xharvest2025-02-12T17:51:22+00:00
Faith Comes By Hearing - Evangelism
The mission of Faith Comes By Hearing is to record and provide the word of God in every language that needs it.xharvest2024-12-19T18:01:37+00:00
First Liberty Institute - Religious Liberty
First Liberty Institute is the largest legal organization in the nation dedicated exclusively to defending religious liberty for all Americans.xharvest2024-12-19T18:02:18+00:00
For All Mankind Movement Inc. - Evangelism/Church Planting
FAMM exists to initiate, nurture, and facilitate disciple-making movements which result in biblical church planting among the unreached.xharvest2024-12-19T18:03:11+00:00
Groundwire (Champion Ministries Inc.) - Evangelism
Groundwire has discovered an efficient and predictive way to deliver the Gospel to Millennials in a way that they are willing to consider the love and hope of Christ.xharvest2024-12-19T18:03:54+00:00
Heart For Lebanon Foundation - Evangelism/Community Transformation
Heart for Lebanon is a nondenominational Christian organization that is creating faith-defining environments that give under resourced families and children in Lebanon the chance to encounter God and grow spiritually.xharvest2024-12-19T18:04:34+00:00
Hope Women's Center - Protection of the Unborn
Difficult Roads lead to Beautiful Destinationsxharvest2024-12-19T18:05:53+00:00
Houston Haven Ministry - Compassion
Houston Haven Ministry was formed to provide short term housing for patients and their families traveling to Houston for cancer treatment.xharvest2024-12-19T18:06:35+00:00
Multiplication Network Ministries - Church Planting
Multiplication Network is a church planting/strengthening Ministry with a global impact.xharvest2024-12-19T18:07:32+00:00
Pre-Born - Protection of the Unborn
The mission of Pre Born is to Glorify Jesus Christ by Leading & Equipping Pregnancy Clinics to Save More Babies & Souls.xharvest2025-02-12T17:53:14+00:00
Prestige Learning Institute - Evangelism/Community Transformation
The Mission of Prestige Learning Institute is to equip families to thrive physically, emotionally, and spiritually through accessible programs and meaningful relationships, embracing the call to treat the sojourner as one of our own and to love them as ourselves.xharvest2024-12-19T18:08:20+00:00
Refugee Resources Inc. - Evangelism/Community Transformation
Refugee Resources serves refugee students through developing literacy skills and cultivation of mentor relationships in-order-to share the love of Jesus.xharvest2024-12-19T18:09:01+00:00
Samaritan's Purse - Crisis Response/Compassion
Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world in the name of Jesus.xharvest2024-12-19T18:09:44+00:00
Star of Hope Mission - Evangelism/Compassion
Star of Hope is a Christ-centered community dedicated to meeting the needs of homeless men, women, and their children.xharvest2024-12-19T18:10:29+00:00
Street Grace
Street Grace is a non-profit organization that is eradicating the sexual exploitation of children through prevention, protection, policy and pursuit.xharvest2024-12-19T18:11:18+00:00
The Master's Program - Spiritual Mentorship/Leadership
The Master's Program prepares Christian leaders and marketplace Christian leaders to change their world and build God's Kingdom.xharvest2024-12-19T18:11:54+00:00
ToolBox Ministries - Evangelism/Spiritual Mentorship/Leadership
The mission of Toolbox Ministries is to help men in the marketplace come to know and follow Jesus Christ.xharvest2024-12-19T18:12:39+00:00
Truth of Life, Inc. - Spiritual Mentorship/Leadership
Truth of Life Ministries brings freedom to men and women by applying biblical truth.xharvest2024-12-19T18:13:40+00:00
Uncharted Ministries - Evangelism/Compassion
Reaching the Unreached. Standing with the Persecuted.xharvest2024-12-19T18:14:37+00:00
World Hope Ministries International - Pastoral Training
WHMI works in 50+ countries and has a mission to Train Pastors, Grow Churches and Transform Communities.xharvest2023-11-15T19:53:40+00:00
Cambodia and Thailand (2023)
Jim and Holly Dosch and John Dosch travelled to Cambodia with Multiplication Network (MN) to meet national ministry leaders, ministry partners, and church planters. We also visited church plants in villages near Phnom Penh. The trip also included time in Thailand where MN hopes to expand their ministry.xharvest2022-11-16T23:10:34+00:00
Tanzania (2022)
Jim and Holly Dosch travelled to Tanzania with Multiplication Network (MN) to meet national ministry leaders and church planters and visit church plants in Bagamoyo and on the Island of Zanzibar.xharvest2020-03-12T18:30:50+00:00
Ecuador, (March 2020)
Jim and Holly Dosch travelled to Ecuador with Multiplication Network Ministries (MNM) to meet national ministry leaders and church planters and visit church planting efforts in Quito and the Amazon Rainforest.xharvest2020-03-12T18:28:36+00:00
Saudi Arabia (February, 2020)
Tom and Jackie Dosch travelled to Saudi Arabia with Uncharted Ministries to tour Biblical sites.xharvest2020-03-12T18:24:22+00:00
Israel (January, 2020)
Ten members of the DMRE Team travelled to Israel with Uncharted Ministries to walk the Jesus Trail, minister to Holocaust Survivors and spend time in the desert with the Bedouins.xharvest2020-03-02T20:47:42+00:00
Puerto Rico (March, 2019)
John Dosch traveled to Puerto Rico with a group of Texas A&M students from the Christian Business Leaders Organization to paint church buildings and minister to and teach children.xharvest2020-03-02T20:48:34+00:00
Africa (February/March, 2019)
Jim and Holly Dosch traveled to Kenya with World Hope Ministry International (WHMI) to participate in two Pastors’ Training Conferences held in Lemoru, and in the Kawangware Slum, Nairobi.xharvest2020-03-02T20:49:03+00:00
Middle East Location (August, 2018)
Jim and Holly Dosch traveled to a city in the Middle East to participate in a Breakaway Conference led by Tom and Joann Doyle with Uncharted Ministries and others to encourage Church leaders serving Christ in difficult locations. The purpose of the conference was to provide a time of training and refreshment for these precious saints.xharvest2020-03-02T20:51:02+00:00
Philippines (February, 2018)
Jim and Holly Dosch traveled to Manilla and Davao, Philippines with the Faith Comes By Hearing Ministry (FCBH) to witness the many facets of ministry activities.xharvest2020-03-02T20:51:24+00:00
Israel (November/December, 2017)
Tom and Jackie Dosch and Jim and Holly Dosch traveled to Israel on a ministry trip led by Tom and Joann Doyle of Uncharted Ministries. In addition to touring the key Biblical sites, the trip included ministry opportunities serving people living in a small town in the West Bank and Jewish survivors of the Holocaust in Jerusalem.xharvest2020-03-02T20:51:57+00:00
Middle East Location (February, 2017)
Tom Dosch and Jim and Holly Dosch participated in a Breakaway Conference for Syrian Church leaders. The Breakaway Conference was led by Tom and Joann Doyle of e3 Partners and provided a time of teaching and refreshment for Syrian church leaders serving Christ in the midst of a multi-year war in very difficult circumstances. The theme of the conference was Bearing Fruit in Persecution.xharvest2020-03-02T20:52:27+00:00
Middle East Location (August/September, 2016)
Tom and Jackie Dosch and Jim and Holly Dosch traveled to a city in the Middle East with Ananias House Ministry to provide Bible training on the Book of Galatians to Church leaders. The training was led by Joun Samara of Ananias House.xharvest2020-03-02T20:53:09+00:00
Middle East Location (August, 2016)
Tom and Jackie Dosch traveled to a city in the Middle East with e3 Partners to minister to Iraqi and Syrian refugees. The trip was led by Tom and Joann Doyle.xharvest2019-08-07T15:44:38+00:00
Havana/Santiago, Cuba (February, 2016)
Tom and Jackie Dosch and Jim and Holly Dosch traveled to Havana and Santiago, Cuba with Museum of the Bible to participate in a Bible Exposition.