100X Harvest
We Southern and Senoufo Nyarafolo Recordings
January 2022

We are grateful for your commitment to share God’s Word to every nation, tribe, people, and language. Faith Comes By Hearing’s vision is to record an Audio Bible in every language so everyone will have an opportunity to hear God’s Word. Because of your generosity, Faith Comes By Hearing completed the We Southern and, through the match, the Senoufo Nyarafolo New Testament recordings in 2021.
With a population of more than 26 million people and only 31% claiming Jesus as their Savior, much of the country of Cote d’Ivoire remains in spiritual darkness.
We Southern Language
The We Southern language is spoken by 293,00 people in Cote d’Ivoire. A majority of the We Southern people follow the majority religion, with very few claiming Jesus as their Savior.
The New Testament recording presented many hardships for the Faith Comes By Hearing recording team. Initially, they struggled to find a location to host the recording project. Each time these diligent workers found a suitable building, some locals would show hostility, and the team was required to move. After several days of relocating, the recording team finally found a place.
The recording team was relieved when enough mother-tongue speakers volunteered to read and proofread. Upon hearing about the potential impact this recording could have, the readers excitedly started their work. All seemed to be going well until the man assigned to read for the lines for Jesus did not show up because his son was hospitalized. Concerned with paying medical bills, the Jesus reader refused to continue. The recording team encouraged this caring father and offered to help financially. Soon after, the man was back in the studio and ready to finish reading his lines.
Despite these bumps in the road, our team finished the We Southern recording in early June. God proved His faithfulness once again through this recording process.
Faith Comes By Hearing completed the recording in July, and Audio Bibles were sent to our partner organization in Cote d’Ivoire in the fall.

Senoufo Nyarafolo Language
With a population of more than 60,000 people, the Senoufo Nyarafolo Audio Bible has the potential to share God’s words of forgiveness and salvation with thousands of non-believers. The Senoufo Nyarafolo people are strongly rooted in their community and local religion. For one villager to convert to Christianity, the entire community would have to convert or that individual would be persecuted and possibly shunned. For this reason, the need for an Audio Bible that everyone could listen to was critical.
The Faith Comes By Hearing recording team started recording in May of 2021. With the help of Theovision, a long-time partner of Faith Comes By Hearing, the team met native speakers willing to read and proofread the Bible recording. Many of the voice actors could not read their mother tongue, so the translator first read the lines aloud to them, and then the reader repeated it for the recording. This prompting was done almost 70% of the time, which slowed the recording process. Nevertheless, the recording team worked diligently and successfully finished.
When the recording team played the audio for the readers, they stood in awe as they heard the Bible in their own language. The Senoufo Nyarafolo Audio Bible was completed and released in October.
Thank you, 100X Harvest, for making God’s audible Word available to the We Southern and Senoufo Nyarafolo people in Cote d’Ivoire.