100X Harvest, Inc. provided $185,000 to purchase a transition home at 8651 Greiner in Houston, TX 77080
Details: 3 bd, 1 bath, ~1044 sq ft, 6360 sq ft lot
Price: $185,000
CHARM Transitional Housing: We offer a family-style transitional housing program for men, who have
started a walk with Christ and demonstrated a desire to be discipled, as they are released from prison. We
desire to walk beside them as they learn how to live as a Christian outside the prison walls. The goal is for them
be rooted spiritually, relationally, professionally, and financially when they graduate.
CHARM currently has 8 Transitional Homes that can house up to 56 men. Houston City Ordinance 2018-227
restricts our ability to open new Transitional Homes making it imperative that we continue to operate in our
current homes because they have been approved by the City as Transitional Homes.
CHARM Description: 8651 Greiner is used as one of the intake homes for our transitional housing ministry.
8655 Greiner, next door to this home, is our second intake home. These homes primarily house men in the first
30-60 days out of prison but can also be used when a man might need more accountability or supervision.
CHARM’s Goal: Our current plan is to move from leasing to owning our transition homes. By owning our
transition homes, we will decrease the yearly expenses related to our transitional homes lessening the amount
we need to raise for operations on a yearly basis. Owning the homes also allows us to begin investing in the
future as we look to the possibility of purchasing a transitional living campus.
Since September 2020, CHARM has purchased three of our Transitional Homes – 1941 Ridgecrest, 1901
Norcrest, and 8655 Greiner. 8651 Greiner is our fourth home to purchase.